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Talk - Behind the scenes of reference genome generation: a sequencing facility story

At this month's ERGA Plenary meeting (Monday, May 27 at 15:00 CEST) Vice-chair Olga Vinnere Pettersson gave an interesting talk about her experience at a sequencing facility producing reference genomes for non-model organisms. Find details and the recorded talk below:


Since 2013, the Genomics Platform at SciLifeLab has been operating PacBio and ONT instruments. However, there still were many challenges of applying these technologies to non-model genomes. Our team spends lots of effort to understand and mitigate some of these challenges.

In this talk, I will present the layout of a reference genome generation process from sampling to sequencing and introduce the auditorium to the main challenges of long-read sequencing of non-model species. Sequencing procedure and chemistry will be explained and some real-life examples will be presented.

Speaker's Bio - Olga Vinnere Pettersson

Mycologist, PhD in Molecular Evolution. Sequenced my first reference genome in 2009. Since 2012 - sequencing technology consultant / project coordinator at the National Genomics Infrastructure, a part of Genomics Platform of SciLifeLab: the center of excellence in molecular biosciences in Sweden. Currently, I am leading the SciLifeLab – Uppsala University involvement in the Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) consortium, an initiative founded by the EU Horizon Europe program. Together with the Sanger institute, we are leading the effort of sequencing reference genomes of the European eukaryotic biodiversity and creating a de-centralized infrastructure to carry out this work on our continent. Vice-chair of ERGA, member of ERGA SSP and EBP Sampling Committee.

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