DAC - Data Analysis Committee

The Data Analysis Committee (DAC) aims at fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing in genomic data analysis among ERGA members, and enhancing the development of applications in genomics. DAC has the goal to develop and implement standard protocols for downstream data analysis, providing high standard frameworks and pipelines to tackle research questions with different groups of organisms. Additionally, together with the Training and Transfer of Knowledge committee (TKT), DAC is responsible for providing training opportunities to the ERGA and general scientific communities through the organization of workshops and conferences. Finally, DAC aspires to improve translational communication with stakeholders and citizen scientists by actively engaging with the Citizen Science committee (CS committee) activities, to influence species management and protect earth’s biodiversity
(V.1.0 02.05.2023)
Rosa Fernandez
Tereza Manousaki
João Pimenta
Leader of the Population Genomics Subcommittee
Mari Jose Ruiz
Leader of the Phylogenomics Subcommittee
Pascalia Kapli
Iker Irisarri
Leader of the Comparative Genomics Subcommittee
Toni Gabaldón
Leader of the Functional Genomics Subcommittee
Steven Van Belleghem
Steering Committee
José Melo-Ferreira
Elena Buzan (CS committee representative)
Alice Mouton (TKT committee representative)
Joan Pons
Ana Riesgo
Committee Resources